What’s the Difference Between an Estate Plan and a Living Trust?
If you’re planning for the future of your estate, you may be wondering what the difference is between an estate plan and a living trust. Some people believe they are the same thing. But the truth is they aren’t. There is a significant difference between a Living Trust and an Estate Plan. Here’s a quick overview of the key differences between these two estate planning tools.
Living Trust (Revocable): Will versus Trust
A living trust, also called a revocable living trust or an inter vivos trust, like a will is a document that allows a person to distribute their assets and possession to people or organizations after they die. The difference between a will and a living trust is that a will only takes effect after you have died while a living trust may be used by you during your life as well as after you die by future trustees and beneficiaries. Typically in a living trust, you, the grantor of creator of the trust, will also benefit from the trust as a beneficiary and will also run the trust by managing its assets acting as a trustee. A living trust will also create provisions for future trustees to manage and run the assets of the trusts, and because of this, it is a great tool for people who may experience or plan to experience future incapacity or mental impairments such as Alzheimer’s.
A living trust has several other benefits as well that may lead people to choose this option over a will. Living trusts are often used in plans for continued trusts for family members because with a living trust, you remain in control of how the assets are managed until you die or appoint a new trustee. Living trusts may also help you avoid probate. This beneficial to you because when a will goes through probate, there is always a risk that a court may override your wishes and instructions for how your assets should be divided. Avoiding probate also gives you greater privacy as probate hearings and court proceedings are open to the public meaning anyone can see your assets and beneficiaries.
Estate Plan: Can You Have Both a Will and a Living Trust?
An estate plan is best thought of as a process. It is a much broader and more encompassing tool than a living trust. Your “estate” simply refers to everything you own at your death, so an estate plan is essentially your blueprint for how all those assets will be managed and dispersed upon your death. When creating your estate plan, a living trust may be a part of that plan; however, a living trust will not be a part of every estate plan, and if it is, it will not be the only aspect of the estate plan.
If you have assets in a living trust as part of your estate plan, those assets will become what is part of your trust estate. In your trust estate, a trustee will have the responsibility of distributing those assets. An estate plan will also consist of your non-probate estate and your probate estate. Your non-probate estate consists of those assets that have designated beneficiaries to which the assets will pass to through contractual terms as opposed to the terms of your will. Trust estates are considered to be a part of the non-probate estate. Your probate estate will consist of assets that will be distributed by the executor of your will or by a court should you die without a will. Deciding which of your assets will be a part of what type of estate is all part of your estate planning.
Do You Need to Hire a San Antonio Lawyer to Make Your Last Will, Power of Attorney, Family Trust, or Other Estate Planning Documents?
Do you need help with an estate planning or probate matter in San Antonio-metro area or the surrounding communities? We are experienced estate planning and probate attorneys who represent clients with sensitive estate planning and probate matters. If so, please give us a call us at 210-794-7835 or use the contact form on our homepage to see how we can help.

See Also
What is the downside of a living trust?
It is often said that a well-drafted living trust gives the creator of the trust and his or her heirs maximum flexibility and control. The creator of a well-structured living trust has total control over who will receive his or her assets and when they will receive them. Because that person no longer owns the assets, if he dies, he cannot bequeath them in his will. He must instead rely on his living trust, which holds title to all of his assets.
If you have decided to set up a living trust, you should understand one possible downside of this form of planning: it can be challenging to update.
Even the best documents drafted by competent attorneys contain potential flaws. As time passes and circumstances change, you might need to make changes to your documents. If you create your own living trust, you can amend it at any time.
However, if you name a trustee to manage your living trust after your death, that person will have authority over how your assets are distributed. This can be good or bad depending on your relationship with the trustee and whether or not you trust him or her to make decisions in accordance with your wishes. If you don’t think the trustee will act in your best interests, setting up a living trust might not be the best option for you.
Is estate planning same as trust?
Many people think that estate planning and trust administration are the same things. The truth is that even though they both deal with finances and money, they are completely different sets of legal documents. When a person dies, they leave behind an estate that needs to be distributed to their heirs or those named in their Last Will and Testament. Trust administration is what takes place when a person chooses to put their estate in a trust. The probate process is what takes place if no trust is created.
Estate planning is the process of creating a plan for how your assets will be distributed after your death. This can be done through a Will, Trust, or other legal document. Trust administration is the process of managing a trust after the death of the trust creator. This includes distributing assets to the beneficiaries and following the terms of the trust. Probate is the legal process that takes place when someone dies without a valid Will or Trust.
What are the advantages of putting your estate in a trust?
Do you want to leave a legacy? Do you want to be certain that your loved ones are taken care of after you’re gone? Or do you want to ensure that the assets that you worked so hard to earn are managed well by the person you choose while also protecting that person from potential lawsuits?
If any of these scenarios resonate with you, then setting up a trust might be the best solution for you and your family. Trusts are legal entities that can hold onto assets on behalf of another person or entity. There are many different types of trusts, but they all share some common features and benefits.
One of the biggest advantages of putting your estate into a trust is that it can help to avoid probate. Probate is the process by which a court supervises the distribution of a deceased person’s assets. It can be time-consuming and expensive, so avoiding it altogether can be a huge relief for your loved ones.
Another advantage of using a trust is that it allows you to maintain control over your assets even after you die. You can specify exactly how and when you want your assets to be distributed, which gives you peace of mind knowing that your wishes will be carried out exactly as you intended.
Finally, trusts can also provide asset protection for the beneficiary. This means that if the beneficiary were to get sued or declare bankruptcy, the assets in the trust would likely be safe from creditors. This added layer of protection can give you peace of mind knowing that your loved ones will still have access to the money or property even if they encounter financial difficulties down the road.
What is better an estate or trust?
Many individuals that come to our offices do not know if they should create an estate or trust. This is going to be a very basic article about what is better an estate or trust, but it is important to first recognize the differences in the two.
First and most importantly, an estate is created at death and exists as long as there are assets remaining in the estate. A trust exists during life, when properly funded, and terminates upon the death of the grantor. Another major distinction is that an estate consists only of property where a trust can own both property and cash.
There are several important factors to consider when deciding which is better for your unique circumstances.
For starters, if you have minor children or other persons with special needs, a trust might be a better choice as it allows you to set aside certain assets for their use while still protecting them from creditors.
In many cases, an estate is going to be the better choice simply because it is less expensive to set up and maintain than a trust. With an estate, you also have more control over how your assets are distributed after you die since the distribution process is handled by the court.
If you are looking for more asset protection, however, a trust might be the better option. Trusts can help protect your assets from creditors and lawsuits, and they can also help shield your assets from taxes. Trusts also offer more flexibility when it comes to distributing your assets after you die since you can designate exactly who gets what and when they get it.
How does a trust work?
A trust is a legal arrangement that creates a unique entity, called a “trust.” A trust gives the trustee (the person or institution that manages the trust), legal ownership of assets that belong to the trust. The person who creates a trust is called the “grantor” or “settlor.” The grantor transfers assets to the trustee in exchange for an agreement from the trustee to use those assets for the benefit of others in a specific way, at specific times. The assets are part of the corpus (body) of the trust. The grantor is always the owner of the corpus. The trustee administers the trust for the benefit of others, known as “beneficiaries.”
The Texas Trust Code divides most trusts into two categories: revocable living trusts and irrevocable inter vivos trusts. In a revocable living trust, you can change or revoke all or part of its terms at any time during your lifetime.